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Twitter Gets Last Notice from Government to Comply With New Rules, Set By Indian Government



Citing non-compliance with the principles of latest intermediary guidelines by Twitter, the Union Minister of Electronics and knowledge Technology (Meity) on Saturday sent the last communication to Twitter asking them to directly suits the requirements of the latest guidelines calculated within the results of the law must follow.

The letter issued by the Ministry to the social media platform states that the new intermediary guidelines are valid from May 26. After the expiration of a three-month period given to the social media intermediary for compliance, Twitter has not appointed India based on the Chief Compliance Officer, Nodal Contact people, and complaint officers.

"Provisions for significant social media intermediaries below the principles have inherited force on May 26, 2021 and have quite hebdomadally but Twitter has refused to suits the provisions of these rules. It doesn't need to be returned to the state, the non-compliance will cause unwanted consequences Including Twitter release from accountability as an intermediary is out there under Section 79 of the knowledge Technology Act, 2000. it's clearly provided supported the principles of the 7 rules, "the letter said.


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