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Seagate's New Mach.2 is the fastest conventional hard drive in the world

Seagate's New Mach.2 is the fastest conventional hard drive in the world


New Mach.2 is the fastest conventional hard drive in the world

 Seagate has worked on a dual-actuator hard drive with two sets of reading/write heads that are controlled independently - for several years. The first dual-actuator drive production, Mach.2, now "is available to choose customers," which means that the company can buy it directly from Seagate, but the end-user is not lucky for now.

Seagate includes a sustainable, sequential transfer rate from Mach.2 as up to 524Mbps - easily doubling the "normal" rust disk and creep into the SATA SSD region. The performance advantage extends to the I / O region as well, with 304 IOPs read / 384 IOPs writes and only 4.16 ms of average latency. (Normal hard drives tend to 100/150 IOPS and around the same average latency.)

Additional performance requires additional power; Drive Mach.2 is assessed for 7.2 w unemployed, while the Seagate standard Ironwolf line is rated at 5 w unemployed. It becomes more difficult to compare power consumption that is loaded because Seagate Mach.2 specifications differ from Ironwolf. Power consumption Mach.2 is explicitly ranked several randomized I / O scenarios, while the Ironwolf line is assessed for "average operating power," which is not defined in the datasheet.

However, if we assume - it may not be unreasonable - expansion of the same power consumption when under load, MACH.2 is an excellent choice for power efficiency because it offers around 200% of traditional drive performance that competes for around 144% of the Power budget. Especially the conscious users will also be able to use Power balance Seagate mode - even though these features reduce sequential performance by 50% and random performance by 10%.

According to Seagate Senior VP Business and Marketing Jeff Fochtman, the company has sent MACH2 HDD in volume since 2019, supplying it to more than a dozen major corporate customers with a dual-actuator program. The broader release is expanding a potential customer base to enter customers "select" other Seagate.

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