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Facebook Launches Updated Page Layout for Public Figures Which De-Emphasizes Page Likes

 After it was first spotted in testing last July, Facebook is today launching its new Page layout for creators and public figures, which provides more management options and engagement insights, while also, importantly, placing increased emphasis on following a Page instead of liking it.

Facebook Pages for Creators update

As you can see in this comparison to the current layout, the new format (on the right) sees the 'Like' button removed entirely from the main Page, while the 'Follow' button is made more prominent, along with a follower count. The profile image has also been shifted into the middle of the screen, giving it more focus.

As we noted in July, the de-emphasis of the Like button actually makes a lot of sense, because while people who Like a Facebook Page are increasingly likely to see posts from that Page in their News Feed, it's not as strong an indicator as a follow, which ensures that you'll be alerted to all (or most) new updates from that Page.

By putting the emphasis on following specifically, Facebook can also provide a more accurate snapshot of each creator or celebrity's relevance on the platform, based on their actual, dedicated audience. The number will now show the total amount of people who have explicitly chosen to get updates from this Page, again, a stronger indicator than a Like alone.

In addition to the presentation updates, Facebook has also added new options to make it easier to switch between a personal profile and creator Page, while it's also adding some new options to assign variable controls to Page admins.

Facebook Pages for Creators update

There's also a new, dedicated News Feed for each creator Page, providing more opportunities to connect with fans. Facebook's also adding 'Follow' buttons for verified users within post comments to encourage more users to connect.

Facebook Pages for Creators update

The update also sees the addition of new safety and integrity features "to detect spammy content, impersonator accounts and phishing", as well as updated analytics and insights to help Pages better tailor their messaging to their audience interests.

Here's a look at the onboarding flow for the new Pages update:

Facebook Pages for Creators update

The changes are functional, and will be helpful for those managing creator accounts. But again, the biggest update of note is the removal of the Like button, which could point to a further de-emphasizing of Likes overall across The Social Network.

Essentially, Likes don't serve the same purpose they once did.

Back in 2009, when Facebook first added the Like button, it quickly became a key element of platform currency, a means to showcase your popularity, and to compete with friends and strangers on what's now considered a vanity metric. For brands, Likes meant eyeballs, as when people chose to 'Like' your Page, they also became followers, ensuring that your brand messages reached more people's News Feeds.

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