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India Giving His Best In 5G Network

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi started a scheme named Production Linked Incentive(PLI). In this scheme government said that, if any electronic company come from outside and settle in India so if their production rate will high the government will give them incentive. By this policy china has to face many losses.

Earlier Huwaei and ZTE company covered whole market because of their cheap and advanced products.

After corona situation china has lost faith from the entire world.

America banned the Huwaei company. They said that Huwaei stealing their their data. As all of you know that nowadays the craze of 5G is very high. 

Nokia is not an Indian company but to take the advantages of PLI scheme they started a 5G company in India. Besides Jio company is also trying it's best. When 4G connection spread rapidly the world knew that Jio internet was very cheap and reliable.

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